Gale... In order to get a permit in Ontario your Dr has to fill out the medical format stating your condition and reasoning for the need. You also have a formal to fill out. You have to meet the requirements set by the ministry of transportation. You can see them on their website. Ontario ministry of transportation. Accessible parking permits.
You do not have to own a car or have a license as some think you do.
There are three types of permits... Permanent permit, subject to and one for a short term, such as asprain, break etc. Mine is a permanent disability.
It is not that easy to get a permit. The Dr is putting his license on the line if he is not telling the truth. It may seem easy when you see someone without the obvious cast, chair etc.
The permits at one time were licensed to your vehicle but that did not work because it was easy for anyone to use it who had the car. Now it is in the holders name.
The fine was $300 last I may be more now.
TusconJim.... the thing is you do not know what special needs a person has so how can you judge them. What gives people the right to scream at me because they can't always see my disability? The person who had the knee replacement could still have issues that makes it hard for him to walk some days. What do you consider to be special needs? Just curious?
My point is, I guess my question is, why do people feel the need to judge others, especially when they have no facts. What do they get out of it?
We also have designated spots for expectant mothers and families with small children such as babies in portable car seats.