wa8yxm wrote:
Of course some folks use the handicapped spots because they wish to be FINANCIALLY handicapped.
A friend told two stories about one major mall..
Story one: Friend's son (Whom I have met) was letting the air out of the tires of a car without any handicapped permit, and with a driver that was.. Well clearly NOT handicapped (NOTE: Son is a medical professional) and security ask him what he was doing.. He was honest.
Guard replied "Well the cameras can see you where you are, Get over to the other side where the guards can't see you" and so he did.
Story 2: Teens zip into handicapp spot and run into the mall, Guard hollers at them and they flip him off.. Guard whistles loudly and gets attention of bootstrap crane operator. Operator picks up riggers, rigs car, picks it up and sets it atop the largest snow pile those kids had ever seen
Story 3: Woman runs into mall telling guard "I'll only be a minute" (no way), by the time she gets back car is in impound, As far from mall as it can be and still be in city.
All true. I might add I shop that same mall but have NEVER parked in a restricted (Handicapped) space.
Ya See......Enforcement works!