carlson1 wrote:
Thanks for that information rk911. I was just looking at the Winnguard Traveler. I do not want to mount anything on the roof. Looking for something to set on the ground.
ok. AFAIK none of the portable, automatic antennas can receive more than one satellite at a time but manually pointed antennas can. so the choice boils down to convenience vs. channel selection. when you change to a channel that's on a different bird with a portable automatic there will be a delay while the antenna seeks and locks onto the new bird whereas there's no delay with a multi-lnb manually aimed antenna but those will require more storage space and set-up time. I once watched a buddy take 3-hrs to set up his 3-LNB tripod mounted dish. I'm sure that was way out of the norm for setup time but keep the choice in mind while shopping.