I had it for 5 years and at first it was every 2 years, then every year and the last one was 6 months from the previous. I learned to recognize the twinge of pain and symptoms and go immediately to the doctor and get antibiotics. That worked for awhile. During the last attack my primary doctor sent me to a great GI surgeon. He gave me the options: 1. keep doing what I was doing and take the risk of the antibiotics not working and then when I had surgery I would have to have a colostomy bag for several weeks and then a second surgery to remove the colostomy or 2. I could elect to have surgery to remove the portion of my colon that was affected. I elected to have the surgery and am so glad I did. No more pain and no more diarrhea. Had the surgery 12 years ago. It is major surgery and 6 weeks recuperation. I believe the new diet for the problem is not as restrictive as the old one. Talk to a gastroenterology doctor for the diet and to a surgeon for your particular options.