kokosfriend wrote:
Thank you all for sharing. I have had small are of diverticulosis for a few years with no problem. A few weeks ago I became very ill with diarrhea and vomiting. In one day I went from feeling ok to unable to stand or walk. Ambulance to ER and cat scan showed diverticulitis with a small perforation. 4 days of IV antibiotics and 2 weeks of pills I was fine. The in another 2 weeks - back to ER, but not near as bad. I have a week trip coming up and then a colonoscopy and schedule the surgery. I hope I have as good a result as you all. You helped me decide to go ahead with surgery.
One thing that I learned having struggled with this since 2003 is that every time you have an attack you loose some of the elasticity in your colon which affects how it functions, I would get several attacks a year for 8 years. I carried the antibiotics with me when ever I traveled and just took them when the symptoms appeared. Knowing what I know now is after the second or third attack I would go for the colon resection. They do it orthoscopically and left the hospital in 3 days.