My DD has had diverticulosis since she was 25, she has Williams syndrome which has a connective tissue problem along with others. She almost died from infection, no one would believe at her age she could have that. I showed them literature and they ended up doing exploratory surgery, they cut her from under the ribs all the way down and opened her up. They found it, she was septic and they said the body had tried to build a shell around that section of her colon. I guess the odor like to emptied the operating room. They did a resection but said her colon was so rotten that next time it had to all come out.
She has had numerous infections in it through the years, she knows when it comes on her and we make a fast trip to the doc. He kept wanting to remove her colon and I wouldn't let them, with her would have been to hard to care for her.
For a long time they would giver her levaquin by IV, she would be in the ER 12 hours for a bag or 2 to go in. Then we found out that was the one causing tendons to rupture so they went to flagyl,its pretty successful.
We watch her diet, no popcorn, seeds, or nuts. They say a large part is due to low fiber diets, but her trying to increase fiber isn't successful, she has been in the hospital with it several times. Also don't get constipated, really hard on it. They won't do a colonoscopy on her as they are afraid they will rupture it.
I have read that most everyone by the time they get in their 80's have pockets, its common. I think our soft processed food diet has caused it. But it is a horrible condition, she has suffered greatly with it. We just watch for symptoms and treat it quickly, we don't even wait a day if we have to I head for a minor emergency clinic. Take care of yourself.
I don't care what they are telling you, you do have to watch your diet. The last episode she had we were at a carnival and she got a lemonade drink. She said oh mom I swallowed a seed, by day 2 she was sick and we had gone to a doc, he said the seed had likely got in one of the pouches and it got infected, she is careful what she eats still at age 43, but she still has the rest of her colon and not a bag for life, yet.