opnspaces wrote:
Nope don't regret it at all. :) I'm solidly in the dump and go group. If I have time, I run the sprayer for a minute or so and dump again. But I've seen the words sanitize more than once over the years and always wondered of they really meant sanitize.
Glad you dont regret it!! 2 pages of people telling you its silly. Yet not 1 mention of cleaning/sanitizing the hollow portion of toilet? You would think someone would have mentioned they dont santize the tank but they sure do clean the hollow section with some type of disinfectent. That does fall down into the tank. I try to reduce this because we dump into a septic tank and i want to retain the good bacteria.
At some point i do plan to "clean" my black tank. This summer when i do the fresh and grey tank and will add some bleach to the black as well. Or maybe i will add some dawn soap and drive around. Something to help break up solids that might be stuck.
I found filling and flushing the black tank with water does very very little. The tank flush powered by a water hose does a much better job.