dahkota wrote:
People who have larger (36'+) rigs will always tell you that they have no problems fitting where they camp. I would guess they camp at places that have sites large enough for them and don't pay attention to the campgrounds that don't.
We'll...we traveled constantly and our 40' motorhome fit in every place we wanted to go and 90% were public parks (national, national forest, state, COE, county and city). I bet I could make of list of hundreds of public parks and boondocking spots we've fit in.
No, you won't fit in every one but if you do your research you can find ones you will fit. Why would you have to fit in every campground out there? Even the national forest campgrounds in the West have re-done many - with bigger sites, new roads, and some even with electric.
To the OP.... you seem to be in the East. I would suggest that you look back at some of your favorite places to stay and decide if a longer RV will fit in that park. We've stayed in many state parks and COE in the east but our main camping was in the west.
If your plans are to do much traveling in the west, I can assure you that you will not have a problem. We've stayed in these parks and their dry campgrounds: Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier, Zion, Grand Canyon and many more. We've stayed in the awesome Oregon coastal state parks.
It just depends on where you plan on camping and do your research. Good luck!