I appreciate all the responses. Believe me, we've tried to sell it on Craigslist, below Nada Guide price several times. We've had lots of interest, but every time we've setup appointments to come see it, interest stops. We've had people from all over Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina that were supposedly interested. I've jumped through all kinds of hopes getting pictures of this and pictures of that. One guy wanted to know how much rust was on it. I took pictures of every exposed part of the trailer to show the little surface rust on the coupler and the jack. It was too much rust for him!?
I'm done with the dealing with trying to sell it. For the $3-$4k we'd like to get for it, it is not worth the hassle. I like the local VFW idea, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the idea Francesca.
For those making offers to take it, after looking into all other options, I will PM you if it is still available.