cmcdar wrote:
korbe wrote:
If you were to park in-between 2 parked vehicles in a busy parking lot and those 2 vehicles were both straddling the stripes you would look like a fool later when everybody left and you were all by yourself with on-lookers thinking you were a jerk for parking that way. ;)
That could have been me in Kentucky two weeks ago. (figuratively)
I pulled into a rest stop that had very long drive thru parking spaces for trucks/RVs.
When I pulled in the place was almost full. I parked between two Semis w/trailers. When I parked, I did NOT pull all the way to the front of the parking space. If I had, another driver would not have seen that the space was taken. Thus, the rear end of my camper was even with the rear of the trucks.
When I returned from the restroom, the trucks were gone and I looked like I was parked in the middle of NOWHERE!
Just sayin'
Makes you want to wear a sign with a pic of how it looked when you parked there :o