Forum Discussion

cbshoestring's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 13, 2016

Don't be this person--PIC

A. As a truck driver, it is discouraging when I hear someone make a comment about "those dumb@$$ truck drivers". First off, I bees calledge ejukated--second, most drivers are just trying to make a living. RVers seem to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with their bigger brothers :B

B. As a person who enjoys RVing, I always get a chuckle when towing my TT and I hear some recent truck school grad on the C.B. commenting how I should have a special license---and probably can't even back the trailer up. I chuckle because I never went to any fancy 6 week school---I learned the old way, with the guy who owned the truck next to me, threatening to beat me in the head if I wrecked his truck. I probably have more miles backing up, then that smart@$$ has going forward (he doesn't know about "A").

HOWEVER... Stupid is STUPID. Please note the parking spaces to the left & the spots to the right. The angle wasn't the best, but this RV is squarely parked in the travel lane between the parking spaces.

Please don't be this person...
  • Truck drivers are just like any other group of people....some of them are great, some OK, and some are less than OK. I've had a lot of truck drivers signal me when it's ok to pass into a lane or provide an opening to get over. In return, I try to return the favor when I see that a truck needs to merge in front of me. I've never encountered any grief when parked in a truck stop area where it's the only place for RVs to park. And, I know it certainly isn't an easy way to make a buck! For the drivers that are less than OK, after saying a few "not so nice" words to myself....or to the DW, I just ignore them as they're not any worse than a lot of folks driving cars!
  • They didn't have time to park it correctly. The special on the chicken fried steak was about to run out!