relaxin wrote:
bonnie lake resort, was 4 years ago in july for 4 nights
go ahead and rat me out,,, come on call them,,,, ooooo maybe they won't let me camp there again,, ooooooo.
As I said I normally don't waist my money staying at private parks so my list will be short, the others may have more to add
as for the places I do frequent,, provincial, national and conservation areas(in On.), they all allow kiln dried lumber. pretty much all of them have it as standard procedure to ask when you register "did you bring any fire wood?" and my answer is always "yes, its kiln dried lumber scraps,,, would you like to inspect it?" the majority smile and say "no sir enjoy your stay" . only a couple have ever came out to look, and were happy with what they saw.
ohhh yes I do carry,,,in my trailer neatly folded in an envelope,,, a letter from the superintendent of Ont parks stating kiln dried lumber is acceptable in all the provincial parks in Ont,,, just in case I do get a wise a$$ gate attendant.
Now,,, no I do not believe any one should be transporting raw logs,,,,, or raw logs as firewood between different areas spreading possible infestations further, thats said I call B S as to the cost of a bag of wood when a cord can be bought for $50 to $80 dollars depending on where you are, when farmer john sells you a bundle for the same or lower 2x the size the bag the park sells you for $7 or $8 and its dry, and he lives 1/2 a mile down the road from the park.
but hey thats private enterprise you can charge as much as you want for whatever you want to sell, just don't expect anyone to buy it if its to high. around here we can buy wood in an area such as from farmer John and use it in the park, you are best to get a receipt from farmer john or at the least write down his address, and in all the Gov parks that is acceptable, however in some like the one I mentioned they will not even allow that, and other private parks are jumping on that band wagon as well,,,,,, another reason I won't waste my money at a private park,,, like I said once the foot is in the door they will go for more, like ice, or bait, maybe marshmallows, someone will figure out a way. greed is human nature.
before you bark at me like a little chiwawa about coming to your state parks and that letter is no good or about me getting whatever cause the rules are different there, how your gonna call Obama himself and rat me out,,,, read what I wrote,,,, carefully,,,, I said provincial national and conservation >>> (in On.)<<< If I plan a trip elsewhere I would inquire about the local laws and respect as such, as I do here, and I doubt I would even attempt to cross the boarder with a restricted material,such as firewood of any kind.
But don't really give a rats whatever about some private park who thinks they are beyond the law,,,, but I usually avoid them anyways.
I don’t know if you are barking at me like a Chihuahua, (apparently so with the hilarious oooo’s) if so, read what I wrote carefully to,,,, very carefully,,,, :)
I think I have linked an example of a way that you can bring wood from home and it be a legal move you that you can self-certify it in most states… check you state for a similar downloadable form…
I also provided a link showing the US federal agreement made by commercial carriers of logs and wood products… although each state may have different and even stricter laws…
Buying local is a great idea and if you are not a local your idea of a receipt showing the purchase was local, is a great idea…
I’m sure the letter you carry is impressive even though I have no idea if it is an enforceable document, but it should carry at least the same weight as a copy of the legislation stating the same…
“I call B S as to the cost of a bag of wood when a cord can be bought for $50 to $80 dollars depending on where you are”
now what year was it that you bought a Cord of wood for $50??? Was it at a bankruptcy auction at the local firewood processors site??? :B
I think the last time I saw a true cord below the $80, gasoline was still below $1.60 a US gal..
Quick search on price shows don’t know what the average, high, or low price might be in these areas…
PREMIUM Ash/Maple Mix $240 cord, free local delivery – OR…
1/4 Cord = $185 - 1/2 Cord =$285 - Full Cord=$385, picked up at site TX…
Available by the log: $1.25 per piece. Short length firewood also available = 8" to 14"
1/4 Chord = $225.
May include: Oak, Pecan, Hickory, Mesquite, Ash, Maple, Elm
2012 Prices: GA
U-load/U-haul price - $180 per cord, $90 per 1/2 cord $60 per 1/3 cord or buy by the piece
20 pieces for $10, 50 pieces for $20, 100 pieces for $35, 200 pieces for $55,
Delivery charge is $50 - Delivery is dumped, not stacked. Add $40 per cord to stack.
one park named HH KOA and they note it on their website... that is quite the band wagon so far...:B