Like any hobby, camping and RVing can be expensive.....or not. When one is young a tent, sleeping bag and a matt is all you may need to have a great weekend. The older you get and the more one desires creature comforts then it starts getting expensive.
Todays generation thinks they need the best of everything right now, the best paying job, the best home, the best cell phone....etc. They don't think they should start at the bottom and work their way up, I have a degree and I know everything so pay me what I think I am worth.... yeah, right. I have witnessed first hand with friends AND relatives the constant bail out over privelidged adult "children" reap from mom and dad. It is sad.
I have to agree with the OP...good advice. Learning to fly was one of the best experiences and accomplishments I ever achieved, although I don't fly any more. It is the same with financial disipline and prioritizing objectives in life. You reap the rewards of your hard work one step at a time. Life stages. Some finally get it, some don't. When mom and dad can't cut the apron strings they do their children no favor. Either swim or sink and pay the consequences of your actions.