msjdbman wrote:
I suppose the term count your blessings is out of line here, but that would be my answer to you so called bummers…
Geeze Louise, where did this come from? I do count my blessings, every day. But when a trip has been in the works for 2 years, and so little vacation time has been taken over the course of the last 2 years that I`m losing 1.5 days per month since last winter due to being at max accumulation, well by golly it seems like a rather natural bummer to me. The AC unit..ok so not that much of a big deal...but still is a bummer.
Don't sweat it. You are allowed to be disappointed and still thankful for your blessings. ;)
I'll bet JJBIRISH means look at the bright side and be thankful, surely nothing negative ;)
And yeah, I'd be bummed (and thankful), too :B