pitch wrote:
4x4ord wrote:
I double tow a little over length and so far haven't been ticketed. When I'm double towing I'm usually not terribly far from home so I could drop the back trailer and come back for it in the event I get pulled over by an unreasonable law officer.
Unreasonable law officer hmm. If you are legal, you are legal, if not you are not. LE's job is to enforce the law,not to adjust it as the urge hits him!
When someone gets stopped they all think the cop is unreasonable. Cops are there to enforce the law against the other guy, not the ones who think they should be allowed to do whatever they want.
Those were the ones who were always fun to write tickets to and let them tell it to the judge how 'unreasonable' they thought they were treated because they got caught violating the law. Pretty much explains how they were brought up by their mommy and her little precious.