Thanks everyone. really good comments for us to think long and hard about.
money is not an issue on this unless the sell/trade was insanely ridiculous and no we haven't run numbers yet. this is ALL pre-thinking on our part.
No rash/fast movements are going to happen!
In the summer we take 3 big beach trips. hubby gets alot of time off and we blow those days on long long beach vacation trips since kid out of school. enjoy the heck out of it---but honestly we have done those trips in a 28 ft travel trailer, a 32 ft fifth wheel and now in a 40 ft toyhauler :) we had fun in all.
I appreciate those sharing their story of why they changed their rig. That is what I wanted, to hear why you did what you did and how it turned out for you in the end.
this helps me alot.