garyhaupt wrote:
If you want to worry about pollution, check out mining pollutants, fracking pollutants, chemical manufacturing pollutants..then talk about your grey water.
We are being bamboozled about the crud that is being pumped into our streams and food cycles..and told that putting some grey water on the ground is bad? cripes.
If you want a bad day..Google fracking in Pennsylvania.
Gary Haupt
All true… you can now have free gas delivered to your home via you water system in PA now… we have gone from dirty air and dead streams and rivers to clean air and living streams and rivers, and are on a business friendly quest to see if we can foul the air, water, and earth again…
There is no reason we shouldn’t be able to help by dumping contaminated water on the top of the ground…
Reusing and recycling water isn’t itself a bad idea and has many benefits but proper handling and using gray water doesn’t include indiscriminate dumping which is what is being defended here…