Francesca Knowles wrote:
motorcycle jack wrote:
OK, how many of you have athlete's foot?? Raise your hand. I don't see any hands so I'm assuming what my doctor said is true: Peeing on your feet in the shower CURES athlete's foot. So I don't want you dumping your grey water where it can get into any water system without treatment.
Thanks for sharing your...personal cure for athlete's foot, but:
Pee isn't "blackwater", if that's your point, nor is it a disease-carrying mechanism. All the bad guys come from the bowels!
This forum is super duper! I can get advice on my TT issues as well as curing bacterial infections on my feet, and lessons on what comes out of my butt! Top it off with gardening tips on how to get big bannanas, urban legends and bad advice. All while sitting back and drinking my morning coffee... :C Can't wait to see what the next thread holds!