My favorite Obliviates are the ones who drive gassers, but park blocking the only diesel pump, then go inside to take a dump, get breakfast or lunch, chat up the clerk, get an ice cream, eat it, need another dump, and basically take all day about each step of the process. Had an Obliviate of that stripe pull that routine at the rear pump of a two-holer once. After waiting on him for close to 20 minutes, not one of which he was outside, I pulled around the station and backed into the pump in front of him. I no sooner get the hose in the hole than he comes out and is all in a hurry to get outta there, demanding I get out of his way. I recall telling him I'd waited on him for 20 minutes, thanked him for being an inconsiderate (expletive deleted), and that unlike him, I'd be done in just a couple minutes, he was going to have to wait. He was furious, as you might expect. Fortunately this was before he might have been prepared to whip out his piece and blow me away. Not sure I'd do that today.
(Obliviate -- I, too, am so stealing that term. I'd like to propose an addition: Inconsiderate Obliviate.)