Every now and then, a post appears on these forums something like:
"We waited for YEARS to get our RV, and we finally bought a (Class A, Class C, TT, fifth wheel, etc.), now here we are in (Florida, Arizona, California, etc.) and my husband (died, is in the hospital, is incapacitated, etc.) and I CAN'T drive this thing, but I just HAVE to get it home, WHAT CAN I DO, oh please, somebody help me!"
Or, you hear about the person who was flying with his/her spouse, when the pilot had a heart attack. The plane crashed, killing all aboard, because the spouse never bothered to learn the basics of flying.
Not long ago I saw a post where somebody stated that another person was "irresponsible" because said person didn't do something HIS way. IMO, it is irresponsible to go blithely on your way through life firmly convinced that you will NEVER need to know how to do something! The day may come when somebody's LIFE may depend on YOUR ability to do what needs to be done!
I guess I am very lucky. My DW is not a hot-house flower. She used to be a security guard/firefighter/fire truck driver/EMT-A, and is now an RN. She drives the motorhome quite likely better than I do, and is fully versed in hooking up and unhooking both toads. I have absolute confidence in her ability to do what needs to be done no matter what happens to me.
IMO, that is as it should be.
Having said all that, she has been after me to write check lists for her (I don't use them), to ensure she doesn't forget anything. I guess I should get busy and do that.