MPG will depend more on frontal area, then to a lesser extent on weight, than it does on which chassis is used.
Aspect has about 86 sq ft frontal area, is going to be maybe 12,000 to 13,000 pounds when you get it loaded. Adventurer is about 108 sq ft frontal area, needing 25% more power to push through the air at the same speed. Depending on which one you choose, might be 18,000 to 24,000 pounds ready to go, needing 50% to 100% more power to climb any particular grade at the same speed as the lighter motorhome.
What you get should depend on what space you need, and how much stuff you need (want) to carry. I find a 30-foot C adequate for how I use it, if I were to go to an A I would probably even downsize to something like the Via (though I would prefer to find a real Euro-style integrale with no slideouts).
But only you can figure out what size house you want, and the size of the house is going to determine the chassis. The MPG is what it is.