Bumpyroad wrote:
for scooting around a campground, why can't you get by with a reasonably priced bike with an add on motor? don't need a graphite/titanium/gold whatever that weighs 2 lbs.
sort of reminds me of the folks who have the $2000 bicycles that weigh 8 ounces that have to carry a 40 lb. chain/padlock around to keep it safe.
You are assuming the OP just wants to scoot around the CG.
He might want to be able to go 10-15-20 miles. The ones with lead acid batteries are heavy and have a short range. If you can afford a lithium one, it's a lot better experience.
The cheapest motor kits are ~$300. The cheapest decent batteries are $300-400. So it's easy to get up around $1000 by the time a person is done.
There are distributor surplus or scratch & dent bikes on ebay for $500-600 that are about the same as the ones that retail for $1000. I bought one of them for $450. It's okay. I'd go that route before I'd try to build a bike, if money is the main criterion.