dieseltruckdriver wrote:
Caveman Charlie wrote:
I would love to have a electric bike. But, as a 58 year old, balding, jeans wearing, heavy set guy, I think I would look stupid on one and people would laugh at me.
Could be worse. Around here if I rode a bike wearing a spandex outfit and a helmet like I see people on TV doing they would beat me up or something. lol
Hey, I'm 58, and jeans wearing. You wouldn't look stupid on one, and if someone said you did what do you care at this age? The exercise is great for you.
Don't do the spandex. EVER!
Don’t be so hard on yourselves. I’m 51 and would have no problem sitting in a chair drinking and making fun of you guys! ;)
Seriously though. I just got my wife an Ebike for mothers day. I’m looking into a kit to convert my bike to an Ebike. Last year me and my buddy rode the Elroy Sparta (WI) trail almost complete about 24 miles. I can tell you I pushed my legs the last 4 miles! An Ebike with pedal assist would’ve been great!