mobeewan wrote:
I bought a Powerwagon by Rad Power Bikes. I haven't used it yet but I plan on getting it out on the road this weekend. I bought it because it is the only one rated to carry over 270 pounds. It is rated for 350 pounds. Right now I am about 335 lbs wearing clothes. I believe all Rad Power Bikes are using 750mA motors. Lectric and other e-bikes are using 500mA motors.
I bought it because I have severe arthritis. Currently both my knees have bone against bone with bone spurs and no cartilage.
I ordered the bike before I was told that they will do a knee replacement on me. I was hoping to use it for exercise to help lose weight since walking has become an issue. My left knee is constantly swolen and I have to continually take prescription Anti-inflammatories and occasionally need pain killers which my primary doctor will no longer subscribe for me.
I've had cortisone shots ins both knees which have not given any relief and the orthopedic doctor said are not working. The orthopedic doctor put in with my insurance to get the artificial cartilage shot which the insurance will no authorize. So now we're going with the next option which is surgery as soon as I am medically cleared. I am hoping to get the replacement done on my left knee in September and the right one done by next spring.
In the mean time I plan on using the bicycle to work on losing weight which is why I originally bought it. My plan has been to use it to ride as far as I can and use the motor to return home if I can't pedal to get back home. If all goes well and I lose enough weight I plan on buying a folding e-bike by next summer. I am looking at getting a folding e-bike next by either Rad Power or Lectric.
I'm an avid cyclist who also has severe arthritis and I also have been completely bone on bone, in both knees, for the past 10 years. I've had a total of 7 knee surgeries, 4 on the left and 3 on the right. this is why I'm bone on bone.
But I'm very fortunate that I have very little pain. Stiffness and swelling, YES. The cortisone shots only work for a week or two.
I can still ride my mountain bike and road bike, even though I'm more limited.
Because I don't have enough pain to go with knee replacements, i choose to just continue to going forward until the pain level rises higher to force me to go with replacements.
I did fall in love with the Specialized Turbo Levo e-bike but paying $5000 and up for a new bike, just isn't doable. Right now, i wouldn't be happy with anything in a lower price and performance range.