Aadkins101 wrote:
Need recommendations for a lightweight, inexpensive electric broom. Don't mind if it uses bags, but if not, need one that is easy to empty without spilling the contents all over the place!
As much as I wanted a small compact electric broom for the MH.....everyone I bought did absolutely, zip, zero, squat in picking up dirt off the floor.
After wasting a ton of $$$ on the stick brooms, I finally found a vacumm that is lightweight, small enough for an RV and actually WORKS!

Just a tip when you are looking to buy one.
They can say THE most powerful on the front of the box BUT you have to look for the
amps the vacuum puts out. Amps provide the power to actually pick up the dirt.
I found out real quick that 'many' do NOT put the amps on the outside of the box so you can compare products..:R
I actually called the walmart manager down and said I was going to open the boxes right in the aisle to see what the 'amps' where of the product before I bought it. He agreed and knew that they didn't put it on the outside for just that reason.
I was VERY shocked that the ones you are lead to believe are the most powerful? Had the lowest amps of all of them!