I would check out some of the offerings from Shark.
Wife bought a Bissel, I do not like it at all (it is a bagless)
One thing you can get,, (Fuller brush model is best but I have a Bissel here too) is a carpet sweeper. Link provided below.. NO POWER NEEDED they are powered by armstrong (If your arm is strong....).
Here is the Fuller Brush corporate site:
Electrostatic Carpet Sweeper(I used to own one of these, A bit heavier than the Bissel it did a great job)
Here is a link to one on Amazon.. The description is different, do not know if it is the same product or not:
Fuller Brush Carpet SweeperThese units use brushes to sweep into a built in dust pan (2 of them) and do a very good job.. In many respects I like 'em better than the vacuum.
However I do use both.. The brushes get all cat-haired after all.