Forum Discussion

beemerphile1's avatar
Mar 23, 2018

Electric heater remote stat highly recommended

I have found the thermostats in portable electric heaters to be sorely lacking in quality. I did some research and purchased this stat three months ago. I am very pleased with the performance.

It does a fantastic job at keeping the temperature exactly where we want it. Before, it was a matter of constant tweaking to attempt to keep a comfortable temperature.

I have not used the program function so cannot say anything good or bad. I can just say it does a great job of maintaining the set temperature.
  • F350/RR wrote:
    myredracer wrote:
    Remote thermostats also normally have a heat anticipator so you can adjust the on/off cycling time and built-in ones don't have that feature .

    The on-off switch needs a small hammer to operate however.

    ".....needs a small hammer to operate"..:@

    If "small" doesn't work well does....."get a larger hammer" apply..:h

    Recommendation? - Claw, ball-peen, 10 lb sledge, or.....:@
  • myredracer wrote:
    Remote thermostats also normally have a heat anticipator so you can adjust the on/off cycling time and built-in ones don't have that feature .

    The Atwood hydro flame furnace thermostat has an anticipator. The on-off switch needs a small hammer to operate however. Weather is almost warm and dry enough to take the TC cover off and install the Honeywell stat next to the bed. I plan wiring in parallel so I can use either.
  • Remote thermostats always work better, it's not a quality thing. Plus they should be on an interior wall away from the heater. Remote thermostats also normally have a heat anticipator so you can adjust the on/off cycling time and built-in ones don't have that feature - didn't see that mentioned on the Amazon one. I also don't see a current rating or UL on it? Good idea if it works okay tho.
  • F350/RR wrote:
    It needs a remote so I don’t have to get out of bed

    Program it to increase the temperature at whatever time you want.
  • Thanks for posting. I was considering a remote thermostat.