Terryallan wrote:
RoyF wrote:
How many pickup owners actually haul anything? Looking at all the pickups in my area, it is not many.
I do. If you own a house, you need and use a truck. From hauling mulch, sand, pavers for side walks, lawnmowers, gravel, bikes, plywood, fire wood. The list is endless. And yeah. even groceries. Also need the bed to put suitcases in while traveling.
thing is. when you go get sand, gravel, or mulch. A truck is the perfect thing for them to use the front end loader to dump what ever you are buying in the bed.
Or a 700 dollar utility trailer. Our extended family bought one about 10 years ago as none of us own trucks but all own houses. It has done a lot of work over the years. We all pull it with hatchbacks or SUV’s. I have no problem with people owning trucks if that’s what they like but suggesting that a truck is a requirement if one owns a house is a huge stretch.
We do have a neighbour with a truck that borrows our trailer whenever there is s dirty job. Doesn’t want to scratch his truck box. :).