Reisender wrote:
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
For us RVers, pick up or a an SUV is a must to tow our RVs.
And EV makes sense for our long travel miles.
Right now I can imagine a big percentage of us will be opting for EV trucks when available and makes economic sense.
I agree...except maybe the economic sense part. People buy 60,000 half grocery getters. :). I’m willing to bet that a LOT of people will spend 70 or 80,000 dollars on a Tesla high performance truck...on payments...spread over 8 years. :)
Just sayin.
We replace our vehicles about every 5 years just because we like new tech, safety features etc.....and that makes absolutely no economic sense. :). Life is short, death is long. You can’t take it with you. :).
True. So even huge F250s. Come on say it! To back fill their gargantuan inadequacies.;):B
Used to just lease for 3 years and go complete replacement at the end.
Also, my company'd practice of full replacement for equipment at exactly 5 years on the conventional wisdom that more expensive repairs and breakdowns after beyond that.
Until I start owning Toyotas that seem to live forever -- trouble free.