Mar 28, 2021Explorer
Electric Toad
If you tow and electric car will the battery recharge while you are traveling? Seems like the vehicle could be set to recharge the battery by a switch selection.
Reisender wrote:valhalla360 wrote:
And don't forget the extra fuel used by the MH to generate that extra power. Lot of inefficiencies built into such a system
Yep, no free lunch. I think it would be more of a convenience. For what it’s worth, after 5 years of RVing with an EV in tow (on a trailer) it has never been a problem charging the EV. Either at the campground or mostly at commercial chargers while out sight seeing. Seriously folks, EV chargers are pretty much ubiquitous out there, and more and more every day. They just announced a 16 stall station at the local shopping plaza maybe 600 meters from our house. (12 Tesla v3 Superchargers and 4 public fast chargers) That and another dozen locations in the province, and there will be more announced next month.
Bottom line, don’t worry about charging your EV.
gbopp wrote:
Towing a Tesla
There are all kinds of articles online. Some say a Tesla can't be towed, this one says yes.
One article I previously read said the charging system would overheat if the vehicle was being flat towed. (I believe it was a Tesla)