For small inverters your question is good (100 watt and down, possibly a bit bigger)
For 1KW inverters and up such as the one you linked to forget your plan won't work
Run heavy cable, at the very minimum starter cable (4ga) directly to the battery through a proper size "T" fuse, Get two of those cables, one red, one black, Hook the red one to the red terminal, black one to the black terminal, lay them side by side and wrap with tape or use a Split loom (That ribbed plastic tubing that goes over wires) to keep them side by side, The red wire runs to the "T" fuse then a shorter jumper to the battery positive, the black direct to the battery negative. If you must add a DC switch (Do not trust the one on the inverter it can go anywhere in the red line.
The wiring to your fuse panel can not handle that kind of load.