dedmiston wrote:
There's so much dogma here, and woe be to he who admits to deviating from the orthodoxy. Heaven help you if you publicly admit here that you skipped your water pressure regulator or your EMS. And shame on he who questions whether his setup really requires a weight distribution hitch. Are you continuing to tow that new trailer while you save up for a new truck? Yep, you're overweight. Never fear though, as the rest of us will soon be safe because the authorities have been notified and your insurance will be cancelled any minute.
Guess what: I forgot to brush my teeth one time last month and maybe I'm not wearing underwear today. Come at me, bro.
Sure, these are exaggerations, but not by much. I think we got a little more rigid during the pandemic too. People got a little edgy and the stress of not being able to camp and now the added stress of higher fuel costs and scarce reservations has distracted some folks from remembering the Golden Rule. I think a lot of people are spending more time behind the keyboard and less time actually camping nowadays, and it's making otherwise nice people say crappy things.
It would be awesome if people could use their own backspace keys more often and snip out the ugly things they typed before they post. We're losing that self control though.
Love one another.
Treat others as you would want to be treated.
And by the way, I'm actually wearing underwear today. See? People lie on the internet all the time. (And now you really can't be sure whether I'm wearing underwear or not, because I lied.)
This post needs to be at the top of every thread!
Maybe except the underwear part. 8)