This thing provided laughs until it hurt. My 2 BIL's played with this. One would bounce it on his bare knee's, showing the other that it didn't hurt. Then the other was checking it with his fingers and I guess it took all of 15 seconds to getting it all synchronized and then ZAP, Ouch and other comments.
Everyone chuckled and he laid it down. It went back to not shocking the knees, and not to be out done by his brother it was ZAP, Ouch and #@%#% all over again. Then he couldn't put it down until he had exerted his mastery over this Jedi Death Ray. Each time the laughs got longer and stronger, we were HURTING.
After killing the first set of batteries a fresh set of Duracell's were installed. Then came the challenge. A $20 bill was laid on the table for any tongue up to the task. No one collected the $20.
I have never seen so much entertainment for so many people at so little cost.