First of all, welcome to the Forums. You can find a lot of great information here.
Second, we were a family of six back in 2004 when we bought the gas Class A in our signature. It took us about two years of research, MUCH of which was done right here on these forums and providing some wonderful advice for our first RV. (OK, disclaimer...I started looking for a small hybrid to tow behind our Honda Odyssey and ended up buying a 22,000 lb. GVWR Class A with which we tow our Honda Odyssey as our TOAD. WAS the right decision for us. Moral of this story: TAKE YOUR TIME and do your research! By the way, bunk Class A floorplans were just coming out when we purchased, but I've YET to see one I'd trade our dual sofa layout for. Again, do the research so you buy the right floorplan the first time.).
Third, just what is your budget? If you're looking in the $500k+ price range, than I'm out of my league for recommendations, so you can just skip over the rest of my post. ;)
But, if you're in the $80k-$200k range, then maybe this will help. I don't know how much experience you have with RV's in general, and motorhomes specifically, but you realize that you're looking at a vehicle that's approximately 12' high, 8' wide and 36' feel long, weighing in at 20,000+ lbs., give or take. This is not a 3,500 lb. family sedan. I don't know of any motorhome which has that which you seek, other than cruise control. There might be steering stabilizers, but those are mostly mechanical, not electrical. Ditto for other handling improvements.
What I say next, I'm trying to say with as much tact as possible. If you feel like you need such things to be able to comfortably drive a motorhome, then, quite honestly, I think you should consider looking at other RV'ing solutions. Driving a vehicle of this size requires a level of commitment much greater than the family sedan/minivan/SUV/pickup truck. You need to anticipate situations FAR in advance, always be aware of every vehicle around you, and be prepared for the sh*tb*x Prius to pass you and then step on the brakes! LOL I WOULD NOT trust ANY "automatic" system to control my motorhome. Again, I don't mean this to sound harsh, but when you drive a vehicle of this size, you need to develop a completely different mindset. Most can do it. My wife, however, is one who doesn't adapt to it too well. She gets all "tense" when cars pass her. She like to be "in the lead"...a habit she apparently picked up back in her 20's when she had her Mustang...A motorhome IS NOT a Mustang OR a minivan....but I digress. She has trouble pulling into the right lane to let others pass, and tends to get really upset when someone passes her and slows down in front of her. Aggravating, yes, but you have to just let things like that go when you're driving your family in a rig such as this. If you're like my wife...again, you might want to consider other options. She's good for about 2 hours, tops, behind the wheel and then I just take over again.
Understand that driving such a rig in the wind is like driving a sail boat. I haven't driven in winds so high that I had to pull over, but many have. You have to be ready to do that. Even passing trucks can sometimes give you a nudge with their bow wave, depending upon your rig. Likewise snow or ice starts falling, or the roads are wet and things are freezing, pull over and wait it out. Then be ready to climb up to the roof to clear off the stuff before you hit the road. GREAT FUN! LOL
That said, I think my family is safer when we travel in our 22,000 lb. motorhome than when we travel in either my SUV or the minivan. In a collision, mass is your friend. If you drive defensively, safely and with common sense, you'll be fine. I can drive the motorhome for hours in complete comfort. It's actually quite relaxing, partly because I know if someone needs the's with no pressure to rush to the next Rest Stop. I have found THAT little convenience to be a huge stress reliever, regardless of the age of the kids. :)
OK, again, I'm not trying to be critical or be a downer for you, but perhaps you need to rethink what you're really looking for. Or reprioritize your needs? But that's what this forum is all about! :)
Good Luck,