Probably need more information on your objective. Is it to have systems to make driving easier, or is the safety of a MH your concern? Not too sure "rollover protection" really exists in a MH. Sure there are frames that might sustain a rollover better but how often does that really happen? And when it does, even on the most robust frames, there is risk of being beaten or crushed to death by everything flying around inside. Take any condo and shake it like a snow globe. MH's are not meant to be crashed. They aren't crash tested and while systems do exist to make driving easier and by default perhaps safer, if you're going to roll, it's due to forces strong enough that none of these systems can compensate for. That said, it very rarely happens and is usually a result of something like a crash or blowout or negligence. We previously owned Class A MH's and knew in a crash they wouldn't do as much to protect occupants as other vehicles. We took precautions but it's an apartment bolted to a chassis.