There is no horizontal movement of the bars.
The bars move with the trailer A frame and the L brackets move along with them during a turn or sway event. The L brackets simply hold up the end of the bars just as the chains do on a regular hitch and they provide a platform for the bars to slide forward and backward on. It is the friction of the bars on the L brackets that provides part of the sway control.
Most of the sway control comes from the steel on steel pressure between the hitch head under surface and the top surface of the bar sockets. This pressure is very high when the bars are drawn up to distribute the weight.
In the earlier photo, you can see the wear marks on the bottom surface of the hitch head from this friction between the two surfaces.
Edit: By the way, I was stationed in Champaign at Chanute AFB for four years back in the 50's. One of my best friends still lives there.