I have used the tape successfully too.
Beware, that when overlapping the tape you should put a dab of Dicor on the overlap. I used the tape to hold down solar panels and where the tape met at a 90 deg angle a tiny bit of water was able to get under. It was where the tape had to transition from on top of the other layer of tape to the roof. It did not fill that angle gap. Just a drop of Dicor fixed this now known issue.
I have used the tape on the roof vent. No issues. Yes, there is lumps, but as long as the edges of the tape can lay flat it can be as lumpy as it wants in the center of the tape.
No need to use a roller to flatten the tape. I used the thumb loop of my scissors and just "rolled" it down with force.
The reason to use Dicor instead of tape is that the tape residue is much harder to remove. Although the tape is easy to remove with a bit of heat, it still leaves behind residue. Even on a flat fiberglass surface with 1500 degrees of flameless heat it is difficult to scrape it all off. Dicor will scrape off fairly easy with just a scraper. (be sure to put the flat side of the scraper down, not the beveled edge).
But, Dicor will not last as long as the tape. In a few years Dicor might start to crack. As others have said, the tape can last for years, one guy mentioned 10 years and I have mo problem with this claim.