spoon059 wrote:
JIMNLIN wrote:
caused one trailer owner to loose his new trailer roof warranty.
Care to provide details? This sounds ridiculous...
Not really.
The trailer owner had a brand new trailer and bit into the add Eternbond thing and you won't ever have to do anymore roof maintance thing some like to push. From his discription he applied it over much of the roof fixtures/jacks/cap seams.
He had the trailer back for some warranty issues and someone from the dealership saw all the bandaids laying on the new trailers roof. Apparantly Eternabond was not a factory approved sealant.
The trailer owner was a rv.net member ("novice" or some thing like that). He was a prolific new poster 4-5 years back. Had tons of questions.
Nothing new there as trailer owners on other rv websites have talked about that problem when applying it on a new trailer.
Much also has been posted on the net about resale value of a new trailer concerning the use of Eternabond.
I did a quick google and found several websites where both issues were discussed. Interesting subject as some members have said their trailer mfg had no issue with using the product.