Terryallan wrote:
Has any one heard the rumor that they may stop forcing us to buy gas with ethanol in it? I read the program may be stopped.
IMOP would be a good thing. Ethanol robs power, hurts MPG, and causes more maintenance.
Ethanol adds power, not robs it. For sure it hurts MPG but only about 3 to 4% for E10. E85 can hurt oil, but I have never heard E10 will hurt oil or anything else for that matter. I guess once in a blue moon it can plug idle jets but in Kalifornia we have had E10 since the early 80's and I have had only 2 jets plug up that I can attribute to alky.
E10 does a great job of cleaning up gasoline as far as smog goes. The corn lobby is huge and very powerful. I would not be surprised but shocked if corn fuel went away.