You mean like the whole campground is under water and you have to cancel?
Yes, certainly. Our best campgrounds are on flood control reservoirs. Prime campsites are those at the shoreline for "storage" level. If the reservoir has to be raised to "flood" level to accommodate runoff from storms, those sites will be under water. Sometimes whole campgrounds will be closed because they are under water.
That's life. It rains sometimes. Be happy that you were not in the campground subject to flash floods, where if you could not get out in 15-30 minutes warning, you would drown. That happens too.
There are campgrounds well above high water levels, where you do not have these risks or inconveniences. But the campsites are not very close to the water.
I've also been in places (e.g. North Little Rock) where I've been so close to a stream with a storm system coming through, that I'v expected to be waked in the middle of the night with "you have to move, right now!".