CavemanCharlie wrote:
I didn't read all 7 pages of this thread. But, the answer is NO, No, No. The OP quotes American cars in his original post. I had American cars from the 60's and 70's and I don't see what all the fuss was about.
Second, think about what happened to the US auto industry after everyone started buying all the Japanese crap. Millions of workers out of work and everything int eh country turning to crap.
Buying things from overseas is like slitting your own throat. But, as a country we are just to ignorant to see it.
Buy American or move out.
The breathtaking amount of Jingoistic/Nationalist rhetoric such as the post above on this thread is truly amazing. It says alot about why we are losing the battle to be competitive in the world market place for many products. THIS kind of thinking is what hurts us NOT buying products made overseas. This kind of attitude is all too reminiscent of the 1930's.
America prospers BECAUSE we buy things from overseas and because we SELL our products overseas. The logical conclusion of the Buy American crowd ultimately means to also STOP selling overseas. Which would doom us to economic backwater status similar to Burkina Faso.
At its basis the argument made above is more a statement of racial attitudes than economic ones. Note the poster who referred to the Japanese as "JAPS". This kind of thinking is beneath us as a people and a nation in the 21st century.
There is much we can learn from other countries and their products. We have no need to fear any foreign manufacturer or it's products. We NEED better quality in our RV's and if a foreign company can spur us on to that, I am all for it.