PButler96 wrote:
Unless the site power is individually metered the perp was using the same power no matter if plugged into paid for site "B", or unpaid and unoccupied sites "A" or "C". Stealing? ROFLMAO.
Tent camper Tom pays the same exact amount for a FHU site that Prevost Paul would of if he did not miss the reservation boat, then plugs in his blow dryer to finish the preparation of his man bun, oh the humanity.
Guy had a point then went off the deep end.
Actually, it's a gray area.
- Your average 30amp RV is going to pull somewhere around 500-1500w on average (depends a lot on how hot and how much the air/con is running). Let's go with 1kw...so over a 20hr overnight stay, that's around 20kwh (probably a bit of a high estimate).
- An EV will typically draw until the battery is full. Let's say he's pulling at 2.5kw. Over 20hr, is 50kwh.
The RV park is likely setting it's pricing based on typical electrical usage.
If the EV tent campers are pulling an extra 30kwh at $0.25/kwh, that's $7.50 in electricity they are taking but not incorporated into the pricing.