souraider wrote:
The "RV" industry is a billion dollar enterprise...damn straight I expect them to do the "right thing". Why should consumers have to deal with the flimsy warranties that come with a 40k purchase. You're okay accepting one year? or the exclusions and exceptions that manufactures will use to avoid payment.
I have no problem with people questioning this standard. If they did not it would only get worse.
I am more inclined to question why it bothers some people so much when this comes up. I often see responses that are rude, accusatory, and downright inhospitable towards individuals with these questions. We have a few self-appointed warranty "police"...first we had the weight police, now we have the warranty police:(
Questioning the standards applied is different from a warranty ending and wanting it to continue:).
I'm sitting back reading, observing and learning about the RV pre and post purchasing process so that hopefully I'm a better informed consumer when I actually lay my money on the barrel head.
Things I've learned so far:
Buy with cash and ig the whole financing process which seems as tilted against the consumer as most financing options are.
Find a company that can actually service my unit in the manner I THINK it should as opposed to learning to make a ton of repairs whilst still under warranty. In essence read and comprehend the fine print.
Buy a product with a true and long term interest in making me think my purchase was worthwhile.
Don't be dazzled into thinking an RV saleperson is a new "bestie". This actually applies to all sales people. And friends in general.
Don't think that the country of origin equals a form of patriotism in and of itself. Think like a large corp and let the market place be your guide.
Errrrr get this entire payload VS tow weight thingie straight in my head. Vewwy confusing for the non vehicle owner but not insurmountable;).