Starting point for hitch set up:
Take truck and trailer to a level spot.
Unhitch and level the trailer
Measure trailer coupler height and hitch ball height (adjust ball height to no more than one inch higher than coupler)
On the truck, measure front and rear bumper heights (stick a piece of masking tape on the bumpers, to be sure of measuring in the same spot, and write the measurements)
Hitch up and measure bumpers again. Write those numbers on the tape. If bars (number of chain links) are correct, the front bumper should be within one half inch of your unhitched measurement and not lower than the rear bumper.
Then go to a CAT scale for actual weights. Let scale master know, you will need three passes.
First pass - weigh truck and trailer hitched up, with weight distribution
Second pass - weigh truck and trailer hitched up, without weight distribution bars
Third pass - drop the trailer in the parking lot, weigh just the truck.
Hitch up and go home.
Then come back here and post numbers from your scale tickets, along with numbers from your truck loading sticker.
Those numbers will tell actual weight of truck and trailer, actual tongue weight, actual weight being distributed, and how they compare to your trucks load ratings.