karlrmac wrote:
So we have dropped the hitch an inch (one slot) and added the 2nd sway bar. The ride was much better the last time and could go 65 on hwy 31. There were no treetops swaying and traffic wasn't bad, but we'll see more real world this weekend. I plan on getting some weight when we go to the big city with scales. Thanks for the progress!
Going in the right direction, but note that all things engineered/designed
are NOT for the good days like you just described....but...for the worst
day out there when Mr Murphy crosses your path.
IMHO, that trailer is too much for your half ton...OBTW...which half
ton do you have? +6K GVWR or the fake half ton's +8K GVWR? If you do
have the fake half ton, then you might be ok
Hope you are not one of those who thinks it only happens to the other
guy...ask that other guy...
Mainly to manhandle the setup during that bad instant. Either you have
the proper setup (sizing, adjustments, components to even the competency
of the driver...that many times turns out to be pure luck or not)
NO time to go back to the store for proper whatever or to resetup. Either
it is there or not
There is only one person responsible for the setup and that is the
driver. Makes no matter a thousand 'sure you can'...'been doing it for
decades with no issues'...etc printed out in a stack right next to you
Good luck