Forum Discussion

dave_smith1's avatar
May 29, 2015

Faded front caps - my solution!

A bit of background. The grey front cap on my 2013 Arctic Fox FW began to fade in a few places after just over one year, then accelerated over the winter to a pretty ugly condition. I contacted the mfg. customer service & got the standard "All you have to do is polish every three months & use a good marine wax" reply. From what I've read on this as well as other forums that's the pretty universal response.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands by contacting a local paint shop: Quality Industrial Refinishers who specializes in trucks & RV's. I told the salesman Mark Sutherland my tale of woe & mentioned there were a number of people with this same problem; so he quoted me a flat price of $1,020 to strip the decals, sand, & paint with automotive base coat + clear that's good for anyone!

I dropped the trailer off on a Monday & picked it up following Friday and the trailer looked great! Along with Mark I worked with Lura in the office & Tim the shop mgr. - all great people. The place is not much to look at, but like most businesses up in North Portland that support the trucking industry they exist to provide a service; not appear on the cover of Hot Rod magazine!

They did find some impact damage that I agreed to fix for an extra charge, so I was out the door at $1,210. Looks good & much better than the crappy factory grey mess. If you go this route ping me & I'll give you directions to Quality as it's a bit tricky. (Don't ask me how I know!) ;)

See the pics here!

YMMV, but at least it now looks two years old instead of ten!
  • Wow, glad you're happy and have such a great attitude about it! A good lesson for all of us when things go wrong. I don't think I'd be feeling so good about $1200 out of pocket on a brand new coach. Great Arctic Fox info without any negative comments. Kudos!
  • Mr.Mark wrote:
    Very nice paint job! I like the cleaner front too!


    X2. I think it looks better without the decal.
  • Nice rig and it looks great.
    But, for $1200 to clean it up after only 2 years, I'd might consider finding covered storage.

    Ours is much older and still looks brand new...the secret is covered storage.