Executive wrote:
A slow leak may develop into a FAST leak very quickly. Rolling down the road at 60+ mph when that happens may result in a catastrophic event. Get it fixed asap...Dennis
Got my "New" used towed in fall 2013 Had to put one new tire on it
Tire leaked..Slowly.. I've been adding and adding air, Usually 1 or 2 times a month (Very slow leak) up to last Saturday
Saturaday I got a call to move some stuff at the store.. Headed over, Got it moved.. Went out and tire was flat.. Pumped it up over 20 pounds and made it half way home.. And it was flat again, and we had one of those lovely S.E. Georgie sprinkles (you know the kind. where it looks like the ocean moved inland a bit)
Got a new tire Sunday... This post in support of quoted warning.