Forum Discussion

ReneeG's avatar
Jul 03, 2014

Finally Happened . . .

That dreaded tire blowout finally happened to us. We were headed out of town for a four day holiday weekend and boom! View in the side mirror shows the fender flying off! That was the bad news. The good news was that it happened just ten miles from our house, in cell phone range, and before we climbed the big mountain grades.

We were not overloaded and the tire pressure was good. We even have a TPMS that didn't register anything. I was watching it. The alarm on that tire sure went off though when it blew. We knew we had to change the tires the end of this year because according to the DOT code on the tires, they were good till 2015.

After our roadside service put the spare on, we drove straight to Les Schwab and had all new tires put on. They said all the tires were bad, except for the spare. Now our fifth wheel is at the dealership waiting on repairs. The dealership shop guy says it could've picked up a nail and blew instantly hence no TPMS reading. We know it took off the wheel well cover, bent the step frame, ripped the brake wiring out, tore out the wheel well under cover and damaged some of the underbelly, possibly the lower side wall will have to be replaced too, but they may be able to cover some of the edge damage. Good thing is that this falls under our comprehensive. The dealership will check all electrical, gas, and water lines to make sure nothing was compromised and will re-lube all axles too since not only did the one tire blow, but it damaged the hub on the tire behind it. We'll know the full extent of damage after they really take a good look at it. Unfortunately this is the busy time of year for RV work, so we'll be without it for at least 3 weeks, maybe a month.

It could've been worse, really. In talking to the shop guy, he says he's seen far more damage,even wires ripped completely out of the inside of units. The dealership offered to fix the brake wires and do a spot check so we could go on our way camping, but DH didn't want to take a chance in case something else went wrong as a result and then we find out up in the middle of nowhere. Better safe than sorry.

Lesson learned here - have the tires professionally inspected often, at minimum beginning in the middle of the tire life span.
  • larry barnhart wrote:
    Bad luck and good luck sometimes happens at a good time as in your story.

    Were the Tires E range and made in China or just as the tire guy was thinking maybe a tire. Not sure a nail would blow a tire but I have never had a tire blow yet. Sorry for your problem as all rv'rs will feel the same.


    Don't know the rating, they were Power King Towmax STR LT tires. We all know that there are three things that cause a tire to blow - overweight, age, and heat. Some think the make too. These were the originals when we bought the FW new. We always checked the pressure and visually checked the tire before each trip. On a previous TT, when checking it before a trip, we saw crazes on the sidewalls. We replaced them right a way. These looked ok.
  • pasusan wrote:
    ReneeG wrote:
    We knew we had to change the tires the end of this year because according to the DOT code on the tires, they were good till 2015.
    What's this mean? Is there a secret code other than than build date?
    X2. Don't get that part.
  • ReneeG:

    I am curious also what the make of your tire was. Also what the actual DOT codes read. I am curious as I have to suffered a blow out on almost new tires. Mine were made in china. I am sure many are curious about the same questions I have.

    Thanks for any info.
  • Yes a 5 year code if you want the best result. Of course that is how we do it and 2015 will be our time for new G-614's. A late June purchase and the date of the birth will be my chosing as this is how I do it for both the tv and alpenlite. Tires will show almost zero wear at the replacement time.

  • ReneeG wrote:
    We knew we had to change the tires the end of this year because according to the DOT code on the tires, they were good till 2015.
    What's this mean? Is there a secret code other than than build date? Is there now a fail date? :h
  • Happy to hear about all the good things you can see in the situation.

    Sorry for the blow out. Really appreciate hearing what you learned.
  • Bad luck and good luck sometimes happens at a good time as in your story.

    Were the Tires E range and made in China or just as the tire guy was thinking maybe a tire. Not sure a nail would blow a tire but I have never had a tire blow yet. Sorry for your problem as all rv'rs will feel the same.
