rockhillmanor wrote:
You can make smores and hotdogs over a small propane cook stove. If that is allowed.
Me, I'm glad to be anywhere there is NOT a campfire. 6 years full timing and I have yet to meet a camper that knows how to build a smokeless campfire. Or more importantly one that knows how to extinguish a campfire before they go to bed. So others don't gag to death from the smoke coming into their RV all night long.:(
couple that with most firepits that are designed more for smoke signals than campfire.
IMHO the best firepit is a old washing machine drum. we have one I carry along, use it for fire, and virtually all our cooking. virtually no smoke and lots of heat, and cuts down on the wood useage as well. I welded three nuts on the bottom with long bolts so I can raise it up if needed, and built a shelf to put inside when used for cooking, and a weber grill replacement usually is a perfect fit on the top.