Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures but the washer tubs are great if you have the room for them… I have three to them two regular size and a large commercial one… try to get the stainless ones though, I have tried a porcelain coated one and when the fire was real hot and small pieces of the porcelain came off like it was shot out of a gun… it could easily injure an eye…
I leave the shaft on the tubs and just insert it into a cast umbrella stand… it is stable and can be used anywhere because it is high enough to not damage or burn anything under it…
None of mine have holes in the bottom and they don’t need them…
One other feature I found a old weber dome charcoal grill and the lid fits right on my drum perfectly… I can load the tub with wood and starter in the morning and with the lid on the wood stays dry even in the heaviest rain… also if the fire is started and a storm blows in put the lid on and the rain will not douse the fire… afterwards and the end of the evening with a good bed of coals and the lid on it holds the heat for hours longer and makes new fire in the morning by just adding a couple pieces of wood… especially nice if sleeping near the fire…
This one has been use for about ten years now and has on sign of needing replaced… the commercial one my son is using it is about twice the size… he like big fires…:B
Again my apologies for the picture quality… old low res camera phone and a shaky hand…